mahkemeye başvurmak

  1. Verb to resort to court
  2. Verb to litigate
  3. Verb to resert to litigation
  4. Verb to resort to a court
  5. Verb to complain in a court of law
  6. Verb to take judicial proceedings
to consult to appeal to another court Verb
to appeal to another court Verb
to complain in a court of law Verb
to seek redress in court Verb
to sue for an injunction Verb
to appeal to the court for exemption from responsibility Verb
to apply to the court for an order of discharge Verb
to apply to the court for an order of discharge Verb
to application to the court for directions Verb
to apply to the court for directions Verb
to apply to the court for relief Verb
to make application to the court for directions